15.08.15 0571 Kopie

The current news regarding the spread of the Coronavirus in Europe is cause for uncertainty among many people. For Interline our passenger’s and staff’s safety is our top priority. We are monitoring the situation and developments and we are following the health and governmental authority’s advice for steps to be taken. In the current situation many people are reluctant to board a crowded train or an aircraft. There is an alternative: Interline chauffeured services.

 Photo: ©majivecka/ AdobeStock  287712553

Photokina Cologne has been presenting a unique mixture of product presentation, networking, experience and continuing training for many decades. The major trade fair was postponed now. It is running from May 8. to 21. 2022

Photo: Sarmad/ AdobeStock 135900267

INTERLINE broadens its range of luxury limousines: The Audi A8 L is an upcoming addition to the INTERLINE Duesseldorf/ Cologne fleet. The new luxury saloon is available as of week 25.

Photo Koelner Lichter: ©Piccolo/ AdobeStock 24773737 On July 13th the impressive fireworks “Cologne Lights” are launched once more.  As always the firework display is synchronised with music. This year’s motto is “Offenbach & Friends“, for 2019 is the great composer’s 200th anniversary year.

Charlemagne-Prize The Charlemagne-Prize 2019 goes to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres. The award honors exceptional work performed in the service of European unity and is given to public figures distinguished by their outstanding work toward European unity or cooperation between its states.

Interline Broschuere
The new INTERLINE company brochure is available now. You are welcome to order your free copy. There will also be a download-version on our websites soon.

Kunstmesse Foto:  ©4th Life Photography/ AdobeStock 64646975
Art Cologne is one of the most important international addresses for high quality art of the 20th and 21st centuries. It starts in Koelnmesse on April 11th.

Awsard-Photo: @ fotomek/ AdobeStock 60164881

The Dean Schuler Award, in honour of the late Carey franchise operator in New Orleans, is conferred each year to the operator Carey considers to be the best overall representative of the brand. The 2018 distinction goes to the team at INTERLINE Carey Germany. This is the first time it is awarded to one of the international franchises outside the U.S.

Photo: kamasigns/ AdobeStock 1364120532

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting brings together politicians, business-leaders, experts and media from all over the world. It is held from January 22nd to 24th  2019. This year “Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” will be on the agenda.

Foto: © Nikolaskus/ Quelle: AdobeStock 191890268

The IHF Handball World Championship in Denmark and Germany starts on January 10th. Nine main round group matches will take place in the city of Cologne. Other venues are Copenhagen, Herning, Berlin, Hamburg und Munich.